Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Indian Kidswear Market

To have a look at the kidswear segment in India, please refer to page numubre 56 onwards on draft prospectus of Gini and Johny filed with SEBI. It includes Indian Textile Industry, Indian Apparel Industry, demand in the kidswear segment, outlook on kids apparels, school uniforms, current trends, supply and distribution and competitive environment.

Friday, February 8, 2008

fashion vocabulary- go fug yourself

Here is the link of the article I read about fashion today- and here are some of the words/phrases I learned :


Lucy Liu: Emmy award nominated Chinese American Actress. Films: ‘Kill bill’ and ‘Charlie’s Angles Films’
Shiny of Hair: Having shiny hair
Hoo-Ha: Disturbing
Cashmere Mafia: Is an American Television Dramady
Philip Seymmour Hoffman: Actor ‘Mission Impossible’
Snicker Bar: Best selling bar of all times
Meh- Indifference

Today's fashion vocabulary

Here is the link of the article I read about fashion today- and here are some of the words/phrases I learned :


Stephan Beckman- The set designer for fashion shows.

For a quick Bow- Means for a quick salute to the audience by bowing one’s head

Ravel’s Bolero- Bolero is the musical piece composed by Maurice Ravel, how was a pianist.

Guipure Gown: Guipure is a lace without a net background and large patterned.

Off Kilter: Here it means weird

Knock-your-socks-off: If something knock-your socks off, it amazes and surprises you in a positive way.

Bonkers: It is a Disney Cartoon Series

Thursday, February 7, 2008

The paradox of fashion

This article 'The paradox of fashion' has evoked some thoughts in me. Indeed fashion is a paradox. But the beauty of fashion is the paradox that makes a person be an individual as well as belonging to a community. This is the desire to be oneself, when a person pics something she finds will suit her, on the other hand, she does'nt pick anything, she picks the article with the features that are in vogue, because she wants to belong to a particular group. Thus whereas she picks a trench coat, it will be not the same as everyone is wearing, but with features, probably cuts or colours that are suited to her taste. Thus fashion at once is a sense of being individual and at the same time, that of belonging to a fraternity. Infact, this ambivalence about fashion makes companies produce the same product with different features, colours etc. Which is a good business, of course.
Fashion has got other elements of ambivalence too. It is a continuation of the past and indicative of the future, but worn in present. It simultaneously conceals and reveals ones body and soul. Also it is a result of conflict between imitation and differentiation. These 'paradoxes' are what makes fashion management so challenging for marketers.